TOILET HABITS FOR TODDLERS – Angels Paradise | International Pre School Chain

Toilet training is a big step for every child towards becoming self-reliant in terms of handling their basic bodily functions. It’s a fundamental life-skill, which every human must learn properly and rather early in life. Healthy toilet habits must begin from a young age. Studies have shown that disregarding toilet urges can lead to long-term bowel and bladder abnormalities in children. Every parent should prepare their child emotionally and physically by a thorough systematic process of toilet training.

As a parent, it’s your job to be patient and follow your child’s cues through each step of the process.

How do we know when our child is ready?

Your child is probably ready for toilet learning when they:

  • When they Shows an interest in the potty.
  • Their diaper is dry for a several hours.
  • For example, when they aggressive for urinating or having a bowel movement. then they might go into another room or hide behind furniture.

Toilet learning won’t happen overnight. It can take between 3 and 6 months before your child is out of diapers for good.

Make sure that you have enough time to patiently help your child every day. If others care for your child, tell them about your plans for toilet learning. It’s important that everyone is consistent and working together.

How do we help our child for learn to use the toilet?

Your child might be more stable on a potty chair – so that their feet can touch the floor – than on a regular toilet. If you don’t use a potty, you’ll need a toilet seat adapter and a footstool. Put the potty in a place that your child can use it easily.

  • In every 10 minute ask children “Do you want to go to toilet?”
  • Dress your child in clothes they can pull up and down easily.
  • Choose words for body fluids, functions and parts. Using the right words, such as urine, bowel movement, Avoid negative words like “dirty” or “stinky,” which can make your child feel self-conscious.
  • Always go with your child to the bathroom.


  • Help your child get used to the potty.- Let them sit on the potty while fully dressed, and then encourage them to sit on it for a few minutes without wearing a diaper.
  • Develop a routine – Have your child sit on the potty at specific times during the day, such as first thing in the morning, after meals or snacks, before and after naps, and at bedtime.
  • Show your child how to wipe properly-  Girls should wipe from front to back. Most will need you to wipe for them, especially after bowel movements, until preschool age.
  • Boys usually learn to pee sitting down first. This is okay. They can learn to stand up later.
  • Teach your child to wash their hands after using the toilet.

Be Patient and Praise them-

Be patient and cheerful. Rewards are not necessary.
accidents will happen! Be sure not to punish or overreact.

My child was using the potty well but started having accidents again. Is this normal?

Sometimes a child who has been using the potty will slip back and start to have accidents. This can be caused by a period of stress, like a new baby or a recent move. If this is the case, it’s okay to go back to using a diaper. Watch for signs that your child is ready to try again.

What About Nighttime Toilet Learning?

Even though your child may be clean and dry all day, it could take several more months or years for them to stay dry during naps or all night.

  • Your child can continue to wear a diaper but encourage them to use the potty if they have to use it in the night. Let them know that it is okay to call you for help.
  • When your child has stayed dry for several nights in a row, you might want to try cotton underpants or training pants. A plastic sheet under the bed sheet will help to protect the mattress.
  • If this doesn’t work out, you can adjust time or set alarm for according to your child waking routines and take them for washroom.


Talk to your doctor if your child…

  • Was using the toilet well for 6 months or more and now seems to be slipping back.
  • Is withholding stool, experiences pain when using the potty, or has blood in the stool.
  • Develops redness or rash around the vagina, foul smelling or cloudy urine, or suddenly seems to need to go more frequently or urgently.

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