Angel’s Paradise Theme Education – Angels Paradise | International Pre School Chain

The environment is set up to kid’s physical, sensory, social, emotional and intellectual development. Our Angels are cared for and nurtured by our professional staff in their own private & personal environment filled with colour and stimulation to meet the needs of their development.

  1. Well Balanced Daily Routine: Care givers provide support to kids throughout the day with a balanced routine and are alert to kid’s cues.
  2. Childs Development: A daily individual journal is kept on their progress of early development stages and forms a part of our communication vehicle between parents and staff.
  3. Communication with Parents: Parents receive real time information of their child’s daily progress through meetings and mobile.
  4. Holistic education Balanced with Technology:- At Angels Paradise we give Value based education through, Chanting, Yoga etc and We provide High Technology Education through Multimedia, Talking Pens, Tablets etc.

Angel’s Paradise is Working upon the new concept of education i.e. THEME EDUCATION which is replacing the conventional class room education system.

 Angel’s Paradise has a strong belief in that the age of 1-5 years is the best age to learn all forms of learning.

There are 12 different areas of growth in a child which is:

  1. Physical
  2. Musical
  3. Technological
  4. Aesthetical
  5. Mental
  6. Emotional
  7. Academicals
  8. Social
  9. Linguistically
  10. Scientifically
  11. Habit
  12. Natural

It is a very well observed fact that the more the exposure of different environment the child gets, the child becomes smarter and intelligent.

So at Angel’s Paradise we have evolved and indoctrinated a system called “Theme Education” which made hundreds of children gain the explored potential and turned them into strong personalities at the tender age of 2 or 3.

Absolutely All the children at Angel’s Paradise has achieved such a great height with the strength of the curriculum and its Modern infra-structure that anything in front of Angels of Angel’s Paradise is so simple. Ask them to chant mantra, ask them to be on stage in front of thousands of people, ask them any social concept they will rightly tell you about it as some adult does.

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